Chiropractic care is an alternative style of medicine that focuses on the structure and integrity of the body. The best way to explain the approach is to imagine the body is like an elaborate pulley system. The bones and joints are the cogs and pieces of the pulley while the wires are the muscles. Muscles pull and stretch to move the bones.
For example the bicep will shorten to bend the elbow, or the quadriceps (thigh muscles) will shorten to straighten the knee. There are many more examples with more detailed explanations but this is the main idea.
At All Day Chiropractic, Dr. Joe works to address this thought process and improve patients' body mechanics and get them out of pain. This is accomplished through treating both the muscles and the bones/joints.
Muscles are treated with myofascial release techniques, electric stimulation, dry needling, stretching/traction, and rehab exercises. Bones/joints are treated with chiropractic adjustments.
The main protocol that Dr. Joe follows is to identify the cause of the pain, relieve the pain, and then provide strength to maintain a pain free future